suggests I pretend I’m a Jedi and play a video game! And, honestly, I should. Cookie Clicker has a vise grip on me, I finally grew bored playing AFK Journey, and my Nintendo Switch is about to leave me and take the kids with hir. I did replay ValiDATE earlier this month. I love that game. I want Vol. 2 and 3 already!!
I have another prompt that ended up being video game related:
02/07 The Mozart Effect
When I need to focus, I put on some video game music. I’s composed in such as way that you can concentrate on the tasks ahead of you. I found it best when I need to get down to business and do some deep work.
And allow myself a microbreak to rock the fuck out if the track calls for it, as a treat. I also use video game music to fall asleep to, too, and let me tell you some tracks WAKE ME THE FUCK UP, SON.

During the college years… When I wasn’t rockin’ a Creative Zen, I had a USB or portable harddrive with a least a few gigs of my favorite albums. Unless I was video editing, I had music in my ears as I worked. I was collaborating with a faculty member in getting a syllabus website together, and that day was no different. On the other computer in her office I put on the Chrono Cross soundtrack, at her request– it was too damn quiet. And she loved it! I’m sure I went on a ramble about Yasunori Mitsuda and how the Chrono Trigger soundtrack was great, too. Or video game composers, in general, but especially my favorites– and we gotta mention Nobuo Uematsu if a Square Enix RPG was in the room.
I also may have put on the soundtrack for Final Fantasy X, too; it was a long day. But the music and bonding over it made it go by pretty fast.