That Person
Windows 3.1 and an AST computer helped me escape the fern capital of the world. I do, however, miss the feral cats. I’ve been rambling around the southern east coast ever since. from VerboseTerse
I’m a queer-for-short Black American who is doing their best. I’m also enjoying the fact that I’m an adult, so I get to do most of the stuff I couldn’t as a kid: cereal isn’t just for breakfast anymore! I’m particularly fond of calming, chill video games and lofi. My favorite color is blue and if I had time, my hair would be blue as well. My pronouns are they/them, by the way; I’m agender/non-binary/no.
Currently residing on aforementioned east coast with a polyamorous nest of partners and support networks. There are also various critters.
Some favorite things: Macross (particularly Super Dimension Fortress and Frontier), New Year’s Eve, kittens, dunsparce, rainy weather, snuggles, being silly for no damn reason, afro-futurism, nostalgia (don’t tell the advertisers), hedgehogs and the raintree/mimosa tree, of course. I’m also a Virgo, if you pay attention to that sorta thing.
This Blog
When I’m not journaling, I’m doing poetry. If not poetry, then fiction. Sometimes fanfiction. This blog is here for me to get back into the swing of things again, because I miss writing and being a little more vulnerable. This also has the added bonus of my venting and ranting being opt-in. Tolerate at your leisure!
There is also a category for elaborations, explanations, and hand-wringing.
It’s strongly encouraged to read my disclaimer.