You know those things that pop up when you visit a site, pestering you to sign up for their newsletter, or enable ads, or allow cookies, or create an account, or sign in, or just be a really big annoying ad?

They’re not technically pop-ups (they open within/on the page instead of a different window) so that makes it harder to circumvent. Fortunately there are extensions for that (if you’re not on Chrome, anyway) but some still require tweaking. Still a hassle.

It’s not off to the side where you can opt in to interacting with it– it’s gotta be front and center, taking up your attention and obscuring what you’re trying to do.

And if you’re really unlucky, you’re unable to dismiss it until you comply.

They’re aggravating and intrusive– unfortunately, perfect for marketing campaigns.

I would love to delete those off the face of the Internet landscape.

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