Context: this meme.
There are at least two layers of gay/queer/LGBTQ culture at work here.
So yeah, if you think the world revolves around your cishet ass, you’re gonna be lost.
And another reason to dislike Facebook regurgitating Tumblr posts.
A Toot
Before I nuked it, I got hit with one of those Facebook memories. As it goes, it was just a meme I SHARE’d real quick for two reasons:
- it was from Final Fantasy X, one of my all-time favorite games
- it was gay. as. fuck.
I vaguely remember the FF fan group it was (re)posted in, and to my delight a lot of my fellow queer fans came out to have a kiki and appreciate this piece of freakin’ art:
But, alas, the majority of members were a straight bunch.
And they were shook.
Beside themselves.
Harshing our freakin’ vibe with their insistence that a meme has to make sense for them, damn it! "I don’t get it!" most of them whined. "I know lesbians exist but why would this make a man gaaaaaaay? Why do our male members like this meme?????? How would this make me gaaaay?" because of course the complainers were straight men and everything has to revolve around them, even shitposts.
I called that, up there, the Shiva Snap. When you just know.
It’s who drag queens strive to be.
It’s for those who are all the stronger for being in touch with their feminine side.
It’s for those that appreciate femininity, regardless of gender. Gender be damned, really.
It’s for that tumblr user who witnessed the sheer fuck yes slay in that summoning sequence and just had to share this gospel through Tumblr and to the world. Look at the notes on this motherfucker. Put some respect on sodomymcscurvylegs’s (user)name.
It’s for those that, if you asked them, they’ll tell you why The Shiva Snap got them, specifically, and it is a varied and nuanced thing that some blogger can’t possibly pithily summarize.
One thing is clear: It’s for the queers.
I got it. They get it. We don’t need a whole dissertation on it.
But if you didn’t (and still don’t) get it:
Don’t worry your goofy head about it. It’s probably not for you. 🙂