Jan 1: What are your biggest challenges?

I didn’t do this one yesterday, so we’re doing it today.

My perfectionism and procrastination are big hurdles I’m still slowly overcoming. I get so caught up in the idea that something has to be done RIGHT that I drown in the details.

A current example is setting up a meeting place: it has to be the right distance from everyone, with the exact atmosphere I want to cultivate, with the cuisine I think will pair best with our topic, and… it spirals into A LOT. I do my ruminating, then I procrastinate because I can’t pull it off 100% flawlessly so is it even worth doing?!

Or not get around to it at all.

Another example is my VTubing/Streaming. For the longest time I was focused on getting a character together, lore, rigging, my gimmick, schedule, what games to focus on, what tools to use, how to use them… until one night I got fed up with dithering and just did the thing. No one was there to see how bad it got, but I did learn from it and everything else fell into place. I’m currently giving myself the grace of another break before February to sort out what I want to do– and to pivot to other tools I’ve needed to switch to in the past year.

I have saying that helps me: "at least it was better than it was." And, at least I made progress, no matter how small it is.

Jan 2: Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you?

The easiest answer would be games– video or board. But to broaden that out, I feel like do play constantly. I have lil stuffies I menace my partners with (affectionately). I goof off, determined to have fun in a boring environment. I wander off trails. I try to climb things I shouldn’t. Sports are great, too, especially one where you just do it for shits and giggles.

But is there an adult version of playtime? (No, not that; let’s keep it PG.) I have way more fun cleaning and organizing than most people. And I suppose you can make games out of anything, like… doing taxes?

And this one, I’m doing for fun today:

Dec 27: You get to build your perfect space for reading and writing. What’s it like?

It’d definitely be a nook of some sort, with either a cushy armchair or the corner piece of a couch. An adjustable small table you can pull above your lap or keep it beside where you’re sitting. It can recline, or be long enough for the option to put your legs up or whatever comfortable position you want to contort yourself into. The ideal chair would be a chaise lounge, though, where you could really curl up in there and nod off!

We’re thinking cozy, with enough carpet and/or furniture to not have terrible giant brewery or airy coffeeshop acoustics.

Obligatory tree-in-a-pot, some plants. I’m also a sucker for the wood-and-metal trend in interior design– at least for bookshelves and tables. The chairs will remain soft. That’s all for the reading part of the room.

As for writing, that’s going to be a little bit harder. I wouldn’t want it too close to the reading space because it’s so relaxed– but if that can’t be helped, I can roll with that.

And as much as I love those lapdesk things, I am not fond of writing on them. I like the idea of a dedicated writing desk, clear of everything except all the notebooks I’m working in (current count is three, and I don’t know what I’m doing yet for the fourth I received for Christmas). They’ll be upright between inspiring, colorful bookends. Jar of common writing implements. Oh, and the desk will have drawers for extra paper and stationary. When I’m using the laptop, it can be easily transported or put to the side for pen and paper. Desk chair would be a nice office chair because I deserve it.

And the lamps! A much smaller one for the desk, and brighter than the bigger one by the reading chair/nook/couchpart that’s also adjustible in its dimness.

Oh, and we can’t forget coasters.

And let’s throw a small table with coffeemaker, electric kettle, brewing stuff…

What about decor? Other than bookshelves full of books and cool nicknacks, I’m drawing a blank. I do have, in my mind’s eye, dark red somber walls and dark wood paneling. Pretty Gothy.

There will be blankets. Can’t have a reading space without blankets. And a little space heater.

Note to self: this should be something to doodle out. That would be fun.


I’m doing Get Your Words Out this year again, and it’s the word count challenge this time. When I need to keep track of how many I’m putting down, 750 Words is great for that. To see how I did on this entry, click here for today’s stats.

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