
Remember a time when you forgave someone fully.

Forgiveness– is it the same as "just getting over it" or a conscious decision to move on? I feel like I do the former a lot.

I immediately thought of that one Vine with the person going "NEVER HAPPENED." I’m a grudge-holder, yo. And I may have forgiven you, but you damn well know that I’ll remember your fucking name, as the Scottish saying goes. It’d be easier to say I got over things. Eventually. I can’t think of a readily-available example of me forgiving someone, let alone FULLY.

Maybe something’ll come to me later. I keep getting lost in the nuance of my own making.


Remember a time when you spoiled yourself

I love having Me Dates. As in, I go on a date. By myself. It could be as low key or fancy as I please.

And one time I got really fancy. It was a place at random that I Googled "oysters," because of course I was craving those. And it was a new place, kinda swanky and upscale and asked if I had a reservation (I did not), so they seated me at the bar. I treated myself to oysters, shrimp scampi and a dessert with cinnamon ice cream while I started a new book.

I made a mental note to keep that place in my backpocket.


suggests I "put my dancing shoes on" regardless if I’m going out or not– and have a little dance party. I am OVERDUE for dancing to darkwave synthwave stuff. I never thought I’d like it as much as I do, but I’ve a partner that I love dancing with. And it’s fun! Well, I wiggle. But it counts.

And one time, I was pulled into a spontaneous dance one afternoon after putting on some Dorothy Ashby. That was fun.

And during a L.O.U.D. Twitch stream we did more wiggling then, too.

I think I’ll put on some ShyGirl.


What are some ways in which you surprised yourself, and maybe others, this month?

Bitch, please. If you didn’t see any of this coming it’s on you. (tone: cynical and generally speaking)

But seriously, I have to outsource this question. Looking back, I feel nothing out of the ordinary.

I may have made a new friend in an unlikely environment.

That’s pretty surprising, actually.


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