I was so excited for my holiday plans. We were going to do a long drive, bring mashed potatoes and cookies, catch up with people I don’t see often, play some tabletop, and snuggle my partner post feast-and-DnD. Mindful of the fact that we’re in flu season and still in a pandemic and I’m trying to travel responsibly and health concerns of other family members, I asked about their COVID precautions.

And let’s just say, they fell short.

There is still enough in me to be extremely disappointed. Because I thought they’d be better, for their ailing parents. For their children. For their loved ones. For complete strangers who can’t protect themselves as well, for health or other reasons– but as we’ve seen that part is just too hard for most people.

For the fact that COVID is still around, still serious, and still something to consider.

So today, I don’t know what we’ll be doing instead. I’ll just grab stuff to cook and wine to drink while I cook and just wing it with my own loved ones. The ones that still give a shit about this whole pandemic thing, anyway. And I’m going to go ahead and assume Christmas will be the same way.

So, uh, Happy Thanksgiving. Or as I like to call it, Happy “Surround Yourself with Loved Ones and Celebrate Another Year Surviving This Colonialist Hell” Day. Stay safe. Mask often. Get your boosters. Test a lot. Still take COVID seriously.
