I wrote it this morning, and it just so happened to also fall into today’s prompt: “a poem that centers around an encounter or relationship between two people (or things) that shouldn’t really have ever met.

As for the others out-of-order, I’ll post those over the weekend (if I can remember to schedule it!).

You are really here!
Sit down; I have much to tell you.
My mother is/was/will be a huge fan of yours;
Your voice will save galaxies.
Excuse the confusion
While I slow down time and explain:

She died, my mom.
But, she rebuilt herself,
Modeled her hair after yours.
And we’d listen to your songs all the time.
I inherited her love.

I see we’re to be joined by your friends
So I’ll be quick–
You inspire so many,
To the point where someone’s kid
Falls backward in time
Just to meet you.
Because you never gave up.
The sadness and pain are merely fire.

The iced tea is sweating.
In short: a necklace token
To use in the future;
I love you.

Now finished,
I’ll snap my fingers.
Time will resume
And you won’t remember
Any of this,
Not yet.

It found me fine, I think. I have not written nearly enough poems for a poem-a-day goal (only 3-4 so far). The difficulty is to sit down and quiet myself, to listen to my inspirations long enough to actually write something. Stressors can get in the way of that.

But I use that.

Writing always helped me process my emotions, and what better way to help work through my worries than… writing some stanzas about it?

Soon I’ll play catch-up (I’ve been jotting down prompts, at least, as well as following the official blog) and post what I’ve come up with so far.