Here are some more poems I’ve done for NaPoWriMo!
Month: April 2024
23 – yo, Batman
I looked up to you
As my favorite superhero
(Behind Storm)
Because being rich
With a lot of time on your hands
Seems a lot more plausible
Than being powered by the sun
You seemed more real
and honesty,
I’ll trust A Vigilante more than
A fucking cop–
Then again,
You do work with that one cop.
How do you feel about cops, anyway?
Does all of your money go to your Bat Gadgets?
Why don’t you just murk The Joker?
Did you ever get therapy?
Do you really just beat up the mentally ill and poor
or was that just a tongue-in-cheek dig at you?
Are you vegan?
Are you okay?
Do you take vacations?
I’m almost 40 and I have questions
My 10-year-old self didn’t think about;
Maybe you aren’t so great,
Depending on who’s writing you that day.
Real life is depressing
And I don’t want to think about that sorta thing
For long.
So I’m placing you
In this booth
With Batman-themed lattes
In this lighthearted silly setting
With your boyfriend,
The Joker.
18: To Be A Cat
Today’s prompt is “write a poem in which the speaker expresses the desire to be someone or something else, and explains why.” And a surprise extra prompt from Day 16. Kinda? Eh.
Let me have a life of
no worries, something
devoid of
capitalism and
racism and
queerphobia and
other stuff, like
responsibilities and
clothes, even.
I like my thumbs;
still, the appeal of
the loved housecat
to be soft and
petted and
just sleep for hours and
to be adorable
when I am annoying.
Or I can just be rich.
17: Demons
Day 17: Demons
(Doja Cat’s “Demons” song.)
take 1
I can float above.
But sometimes, when they go low
We all go to hell.
take 2
Not nearly enough clout or anything to have haters or anything,
Until you count those in power
Installing rules, not decency, and
That’d love to see me dead; so
I keep living
In truth’s mastery
And they hide behind their god
From my outlandish/vulgar/anti-angel/might-as-well-own-it
Catching up (Random Days)
Here are some more poems I’ve written this month so far! I usually try again with prompts I find interesting, and leave room for revisiting concepts I like. And I hope you like these!
For more inspiration, visit the official National Poetry Writing Month blog!
Day 12
Today’s prompt is to tell a tall tale… I took this opportunity to dabble into some of my favorite concepts.
The Grey Princess
Scientists call xir an
Somehow born and lost to time,
Xie managed to find the way
Here, but
Not ‘sideways’
As our Dancers do.
Romantics swear xie
Flew from on high;
Patterns reveal
Higher dimensions
of stark
Xie’s rarely seen straying
From those silver gates:
Guarding against
Darkness and Light
Burning through.
Witnesses glimpse
A shift of rainbow.
The locale claims
It’s a promise fulfilled;
Your heart becomes unbreakable
If the sword
Erupts from xir chest
And you can see the jewel.
If the stars align, just so,
Like a tower,
Xie could see you.
Politeness is paramount.
Ask and answer–
But not for long.
Things to Write on the Bathroom Mirror After We Move In (with dry erase marker, of course)
Today, we’d like to challenge you to write either a monostich, which is a one-line poem, or a poem made up of one-liner style jokes/sentiments.
すてきだね x
(a heart is drawn, “ey/em” in the middle)
“You’re six feet above ground.” -Grant
Think about poetry.
Deep breaths.
Makeup? Watch?
Tip on the tightrope. x.
“Bitch look: good, haute, pretty, handsome, sexy!” x.
You exist.
You are valid.
Take up space.
People love you.
(another heart, or a star, even)
“It’s not meant to be a strife. It’s not meant to be a struggle uphill.” x
“Sasuneac yna hela, pid dryd’c ymm drao yna.” -Rikku
This is our home.
Stay hydrated!
LOC Method!
Relax, just be here (or there).
Have you snugged today?
We probably glow, too. x
(and here is a hedgehog doodle)
This one, to get it out of my head
There were bright colors in my fear.
Once I am lured in by song
The movie slowly turned,
Entrenched by darker hues
Falling from the shadows of malevolent flight.
There’s nothing delicate
In fighting back, this time.
Retaliation brutal as my nightmares.
Night fell deeper.
Vespertine fled and I screamed
For empty victory
For the hanged in memory
For justice, failed.
Today’s Prompt, Ode to a mundane ordinary everyday things
Here’s to Bluetooth!
I used to be wary
And we used to make fun,
But it’s there
when I need
To tune out the outside world
And appease the
songs stuck in my head,
Or listen to speedrunning history
Instead of stalled traffic.
With speakers better than
My phone’s
I’m gently lulled to sleep;
The nostalgic nightscape
Sounds real.
And on two different screens
I track my sleep-hours
Along with
My steps and
I can see my goals
Quantified and obtainable.
But I’ll never
My toaster.
There are
no wires or dongles
to ruin,
But we can still make fun of
The Internet of Things
And be wary of that.
If I Could, I’d Meet You Again
I wrote it this morning, and it just so happened to also fall into today’s prompt: “a poem that centers around an encounter or relationship between two people (or things) that shouldn’t really have ever met.“
As for the others out-of-order, I’ll post those over the weekend (if I can remember to schedule it!).
You are really here!
Sit down; I have much to tell you.
My mother is/was/will be a huge fan of yours;
Your voice will save galaxies.
Excuse the confusion
While I slow down time and explain:
She died, my mom.
But, she rebuilt herself,
Modeled her hair after yours.
And we’d listen to your songs all the time.
I inherited her love.
I see we’re to be joined by your friends
So I’ll be quick–
You inspire so many,
To the point where someone’s kid
Falls backward in time
Just to meet you.
Because you never gave up.
The sadness and pain are merely fire.
The iced tea is sweating.
In short: a necklace token
To use in the future;
I love you.
Now finished,
I’ll snap my fingers.
Time will resume
And you won’t remember
Any of this,
Not yet.
“How did NaPoWriMo Find Ya?”
It found me fine, I think. I have not written nearly enough poems for a poem-a-day goal (only 3-4 so far). The difficulty is to sit down and quiet myself, to listen to my inspirations long enough to actually write something. Stressors can get in the way of that.
But I use that.
Writing always helped me process my emotions, and what better way to help work through my worries than… writing some stanzas about it?
Soon I’ll play catch-up (I’ve been jotting down prompts, at least, as well as following the official blog) and post what I’ve come up with so far.