It would be cheating to re-iterate my most recent Costa Rica trip, so I’ll mention my very first one instead.

It was a worthy endeavor: we were to go to Jungle Jim’s International Market and return with a cooler or three of awesome food and drinks from around the world (and yes, one cooler was dedicated entirely to cheese). We aimed to spend practically the entire day in there, too, as they had all sorts of things to do and see besides being a grocery store. Along the way I was to get more experience driving through the mountains, see some sights and friends, and have a milkshake that still causes an existential crisis to this day.

Unfortunately, that awesome experience had been warped but one giant negative takeaway:

I apparently hated road trips.

They say the company you keep is an important factor. We had different temperaments and were fussy in our own ways. And, uh, there’s reasons why we aren’t dating anymore. And while I like having a "home base" to return to after excursions, road trips are… not that. I didn’t like moving constantly. I didn’t like having a fixed schedule to adhere by (compounded by little wiggle room due to needing to be back at work); it made me feel rushed. At the last leg I just wanted to be Home, because that meant I could finally stop moving. Both trips, I had seasoned travelers with me. There was the issue of me just not knowing things. I did get frustrated at myself for a thing or two, and that tends to put a damper in things. My brain is mean sometimes.

But I feel enough time has passed and I can reconsider that stance.

I had an opportunity to do so while in Costa Rica. In order to try out several cool things and keep stuff (more) exciting, it did require resort-hopping and long bumpy hours in the SUV. A key difference, however, was that there was some breathing room between stops. While I did express that I wished we could’ve stayed in Valle Escondido longer, I didn’t have the urge to whine hxc about it. Ah, and it probably helped that I was able to read for most of those long trips.

Okay, maybe I wanted to tinily whine once. But it’s because I’m certain I’m the Pillow Princess of traveling. πŸ˜›

So, the hatred has cooled to a "not my cup of tea" level, but I’d probably give it several more shots to be sure. I do love accompanying other people on their journeys. Let’s see how things shake out in the next few years. Maybe I’ll even like them more!

…but next time I’m flying to Jungle Jim’s.