
suggests I pretend I’m a Jedi and play a video game! And, honestly, I should. Cookie Clicker has a vise grip on me, I finally grew bored playing AFK Journey, and my Nintendo Switch is about to leave me and take the kids with hir. I did replay ValiDATE earlier this month. I love that game. I want Vol. 2 and 3 already!!

I have another prompt that ended up being video game related:

02/07 The Mozart Effect

When I need to focus, I put on some video game music. I’s composed in such as way that you can concentrate on the tasks ahead of you. I found it best when I need to get down to business and do some deep work.

And allow myself a microbreak to rock the fuck out if the track calls for it, as a treat. I also use video game music to fall asleep to, too, and let me tell you some tracks WAKE ME THE FUCK UP, SON.

Thanos dancing.
Seymour’s Theme got me like

During the college years… When I wasn’t rockin’ a Creative Zen, I had a USB or portable harddrive with a least a few gigs of my favorite albums. Unless I was video editing, I had music in my ears as I worked. I was collaborating with a faculty member in getting a syllabus website together, and that day was no different. On the other computer in her office I put on the Chrono Cross soundtrack, at her request– it was too damn quiet. And she loved it! I’m sure I went on a ramble about Yasunori Mitsuda and how the Chrono Trigger soundtrack was great, too. Or video game composers, in general, but especially my favorites– and we gotta mention Nobuo Uematsu if a Square Enix RPG was in the room.

I also may have put on the soundtrack for Final Fantasy X, too; it was a long day. But the music and bonding over it made it go by pretty fast.