There are at least two layers of gay/queer/LGBTQ culture at work here.
So yeah, if you think the world revolves around your cishet ass, you’re gonna be lost.
And another reason to dislike Facebook regurgitating Tumblr posts. A Toot
Before I nuked it, I got hit with one of those Facebook memories. As it goes, it was just a meme I SHARE’d real quick for two reasons:
it was from Final Fantasy X, one of my all-time favorite games
it was gay. as. fuck.
I vaguely remember the FF fan group it was (re)posted in, and to my delight a lot of my fellow queer fans came out to have a kiki and appreciate this piece of freakin’ art:
But, alas, the majority of members were a straight bunch.
And they were shook.
Beside themselves.
Harshing our freakin’ vibe with their insistence that a meme has to make sense for them, damn it! "I don’t get it!" most of them whined. "I know lesbians exist but why would this make a man gaaaaaaay? Why do our male members like this meme?????? How would this make me gaaaay?" because of course the complainers were straight men and everything has to revolve around them, even shitposts.
I called that, up there, the Shiva Snap. When you just know.
It’s who drag queens strive to be.
It’s for those who are all the stronger for being in touch with their feminine side.
It’s for those that appreciate femininity, regardless of gender. Gender be damned, really.
It’s for that tumblr user who witnessed the sheer fuck yes slay in that summoning sequence and just had to share this gospel through Tumblr and to the world. Look at the notes on this motherfucker. Put some respect on sodomymcscurvylegs’s (user)name.
It’s for those that, if you asked them, they’ll tell you why The Shiva Snap got them, specifically, and it is a varied and nuanced thing that some blogger can’t possibly pithily summarize.
One thing is clear: It’s for the queers.
I got it. They get it. We don’t need a whole dissertation on it.
But if you didn’t (and still don’t) get it:
Don’t worry your goofy head about it. It’s probably not for you. 🙂
This summarizes what I’ve been going through with Pink Pistols and a local gaming group. I sent this as a DM to a mod upon their request. Just read this or catch up with the previous entries, who cares, everything is terrible, 1312, can i just fuck off now
I should name some names, yolo and all that. Expect jokes and teeshirts about this, because you know we queers gotta kiki through the pain.
haven’t done an off-the-cuff post in a minute, lessgo
I’ve had shit luck when organizations and people claim to be apolitical. It’s either Just Unpleasant or there’s a jarring difference in opinion/morality. And I’ve added one more to that streak.
It’s the same as being neutral, isn’t it? To not "pick a side" or "make a stand"? And what is being apolitical if it is not neutral?
If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. Desmond Tutu
It was a rift with Pink Pistols and I ultimately could not overcome. So when I saw the promotion going on in another (apolitical) LGBTQ group, I had to say something.
I am not nice.
This other "apolitical" organization silenced me by
deleted the comments of myself and others that expressed concern, and
banned me with no warning
And before those two things, a mod did say my my statement was Political and needed to go into the appropriate channel. Wasn’t thrilled (and to that I said "what the fuck?" but halted the convo from my end), but it was more of a server rule than a silencing tactic. Just not a good look, I suppose.
But what else can you expect? I brought up an important point and a valid request, but that doesn’t matter because I was
starting drama
being all those other cool words akin to fire
And you know what? Fine. I’ll own up to it. I’m a blunt abrasive mean cuntbitch who led their decorum out back and put it out of it’s fucking misery ten years ago.But that does not make my statements any less important. Y’all forgot that someone’s anger is part of the education. And this is a derailment tactic I am more than intimate with.
BIPOC expressing their concerns are always "starting trouble" about issues that "aren’t important."
Because protecting the reputation of an organization is more important than actually being a safe space for LGBTQIA and BIPOC people.
And Another Thing
The Virgo in me can’t let this go:
Yes, that was the most I’ve said in that group for the four years I was in it.
And why was I an inactive member for so long? Because it was predominately white and made me, a BIPOC person, uncomfortable and I felt unwelcome, frankly. They also have been allowing LEOs as their security for 1-2 years now, which made my interest in attending events dip even lower. Maybe someday, I thought, I’ll go to one if I’m really bored or something, and that just never happened– or was never a priority because there were much better spaces I could visit. And it was one of the many, many Discord servers I don’t frequent, anyway. so that’s why i rarely went to any of your bitchass rgb-bootlicking events
What Did We Learn?
Look into the things you want to join. Really look into them, and if you can’t find the answer, straight up ask them. Since their documentation and blog post doesn’t outright say "COPS ARE OKAY THOUGH," I assumed they weren’t. My bad. Don’t be like me, kids.
If someone or something is "apolitical," proceed with caution. Pink Pistols claims to be (to their credit, to maintain a "single issue" stance so as not to lose focus of their main goal), and it caused… this. (It certainly didn’t help, imo.)
And lastly, who keeps us safe? We keep us safe. Several servers are Going Through It right now since I started this cascade. And I’ve yet to see (m)any cisgender allies show up and get banned, muted, or silenced with the rest of us– the T in LGBT. (Not that I can confirm that or anything… I’m banned. 🙂 )
Someone pick up the phone because I FUCKING CALLED IT.
That’s me, quoting Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged because I predicted some sort of scenario was gonna go down. While it didn’t quite turn out as I guessed in Lighthouse, we’ll get into detail about this vague third space I alluded to.
One of my Rules for this year, as I become more involved in local community efforts, is to not try to re-invent the wheel. I am to find what already exists and apply my efforts there. I can bolster the work of those that have been doing it. While some groups were right on the surface (of Instagram…), others I had to think back on– "oh yeah, that exists!"
Maybe even resurrect something if I feel there is a need for it. I tried with Pink Pistols, because it’s become more apparent that we need to become familiar with various self-defense techniques. As of this post, however, it’s a rare crossover. Guns have that 2A ‘Murrica Stigma and (classist) Redneck stereotyping. Surely, liberals don’t need something as… callous… as a pistol, right? Riiiight? Ha!
Thirty-one states allow all qualified citizens to carry concealed weapons. In those states, homosexuals should embark on organized efforts to become comfortable with guns, learn to use them safely and carry them.The Salon Article by Jonathan Rauch
But there had been a need for it. In my city, there was a chapter here. It died. Twice. So I gave it a third shot. In an unmoored and dying Facebook group, unresponsive contacts, and not enough time, it was tough to get it going. But I had a few friends respond to my requests to co-organize. Even better, there had been a parallel revival and when we bumped into each other, we decided to combine forces. And that was awesome— the more the merrier, spreading out the work and having each of us able to focus in an aspect of the group with our personal strengths. With over 50 members and some events under our belt, we were picking up steam and on our way to long-term stability.
Until Sunday.
It started off well enough. We annexed a table for all six of us, and there was plenty of time to order brunch and shoot the shit. We finally met each other face-to-face, putting names and pronouns to avatars. We introduced ourselves, stated our goals and strengths, assigned Official Titles, and went down the agenda.
Cops were brought up.
Specifically, LGBTQ/queer cops.
Within seconds, the table was evenly split down the middle as I put my foot down and refused. No, I didn’t care that they were queer as well. No, I didn’t care that they had expertise. And I certainly did not give a shit that someone’s lesbian cop friend got their feelings hurt. Fortunately, I wasn’t alone. On my left, Nathan brought up how being a cop was a choice, unlike your orientation. On my right, Uma cited how harmful cops are to marginalized groups. Between the two of them we had a very solid case: I spoke that, by including LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers), they are making the space hostile toward the most vulnerable: The BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) who are the most affected by police brutality (and that’s excluding all the whitewashing— thanks to "L.U." for putting that together!). And, for the record, they don’t have a great track record with the queer community in general!
The people across from us shot down every argument we had.
As if Stonewall never happened.
As if the statistics do not exist.
As if we haven’t been saying NO COPS AT PRIDE for years now.
As if we could afford to keep living in a vacuum not affected by history.
I looked across the other side gobsmacked thinking they lost their gotdamn fucking minds. Why was this even a discussion, and why the hell were they dedicated so hard to this!?
I only had one thing I kept going back to: Whiteness. The Institution, I suppose. Because yes. They were. They were white. The wall me and my allies hit was a White brick one. We were going up against Whiteness– a thoughtless, callous thing that only cares to perpetuate itself no matter the cost. Fuck their own safety, fuck diversity, fuck the reality that we fucking live in, and what I heard loud and clear that day: fuck every Black trans femme who was mistreated or killed by those fucking class traitors.
Eventually, I conceded. Uma begged me not to. Nathan proposed a compromise: cops will be allowed, but will be vetted heavily. When they asked me if that was acceptable, I lied to their face and said "Yes." I conceded because I was planning to get the fuck out of there. I was alarmed; I was done. Besides, why fight for this thing that wasn’t wholly mine to begin with? I didn’t make up the guidelines, or the logo, of the proposed structure.
And seriously. What even the fuck.
What is it y’all are not understanding?
Do you know shit like this is why your spaces remain devoid of BIPOC members? Do you know why, as people notice that their only Black admin stepped down abruptly, other Black people are going to take that as a red flag? Why most BIPOC folx just throw their hands up and make a point to exclude non-BIPOC folx from their spaces?
You don’t understand or you don’t care. Naivety can be damaging, too. I believe all three of those things were apparent the Sunday. (And one more thing– you aren’t trying hard enough.)
The rest of the meeting went by. I waved and hoped Franny and Leon drove home safe, smiling the entire time like I wasn’t blatantly shown how little I mattered. I chuckled with Opal as they lamented on how tired they were, like they were the ones who was fighting for their human right to safety. But I fumed with Uma before going our separate ways and Nathan made a silent, unhappy exit.
That night, I gathered all my work together. The next morning, I sent an email. In the afternoon over tea I posted my resignation letter in the group chat. Uma and Nathan also declared that they were stepping down. Our decision was "respected" and "understood." But that didn’t stop someone from quoting the Pink Pistol Utility manual at us; "nowhere does it say to exclude queer LEOs." And to be fair, the manual doesn’t declare one way or another– and made a point to only lay down the basic guidelines– so we assumed that it was up to individual chapters. Until it suddenly became important that we follow them to the letter.
That only justified my decision to walk away, because fuck the establishment, girlie. I had a few more choice words along those lines, but here’s the GIF I mic-dropped before departing.
I don’t need Pink Pistols, at least in that form. I don’t need to organize with people who aren’t on the same level as I am. I can’t afford to try and build something up with people who have a different (faulty, uncritical) foundation. And, as I learned from being on Mastodon– if you’re not keeping in mind the most vulnerable among you, you’re doing community wrong and you are going to fail them.
So I’ll keep looking; there’s bound to be more out there. If it doesn’t exist in my niche and in my neck of the woods, we’ll build it. With people in my corner and the demand being there, we’ll figure it out.
We met in college and became friends. We were a close-knit group, most of us in the same field of study. We both liked anime and hanging out on the Internet.
I had a crush on her. But the crushing-on is what happens an awful lot with my friends, so I kept it to myself. I always end up having crushes on my closest friends. Nothing new.
I came out as bisexual (pansexual) with my first girlfriend, long-distance. It was… fine. But the crush in my friend never abated like it was "supposed" to. And when we broke up, I felt relieved and free to pursue this crush.
Except I never did.
We were thick as thieves by then, and I always stopped myself. Through all the friend dates, late nights, misadventures, and super deep personal conversations– I cut myself short. Because we were FRIENDS, I was terrified of ruining the FRIENDSHIP. Even after a drunken night at another friend’s, confessing that I still had feelings before promptly blacking out, I kept that to myself.
… most of today’s entry is too raw to post. In short: I had a friend, I crushed hard, never pursued in fear of "ruining the friendship," and that is one of my biggest regrets.
I went to her wedding. She was beautiful. I watched her tie the knot to another man I couldn’t bring myself to hate.
And you wanna know what’s fucking tragic?
She always wanted to ask me out. Despite me saying boneheaded Baby’s First Closet Outing Foot-in-Mouth disease shit, she actually wanted more, at some point. Because she wondered if she was queer, too. Until her mom beat the thought out of her.
I was never told this until years after the wedding by a mutual friend. I was furious at him for never saying anything. Didn’t he see we were both crippling shy people who couldn’t take a hint if it bit them on the ass? But I can’t be too mad; he was probably sworn to secrecy. Just as I demanded that he don’t say a damn word to nobody once I recovered from blacking out at his house.
Last week, I uttered these words of wisdom when someone asked me for advice: "If your friendship breaks because one of you caught feelings, was the friendship ever strong enough to begin with?"
I had a "enjoy it while it lasts" mentality when it came to BlueSky. The tipping point finally came for Twitter, and a mass exodus occurred in their favor. The rest of my streamer friends were finally on a platform I kinda-sorta paid attention to. But I didn’t hold my breath.
Sure enough, the nail on the coffin was swift: within days of new users enjoying the new-to-them platform, Jesse Singal, known P.O.S., is not only welcomed on Bluesky– but has ties to Kiwifarms.
(If you have no idea how that’s bad news [I’m envious at your ignorance, but also, where have you been?]: KF is notorious for being a forum full of people that love to doxx, stalk, SWAT, and generally spend way too much of their time obsessing over people they don’t like. They’re most known for harassing transgender individuals.)
People are still being declared overreacting about this?
But what’s been really getting me, is that people are staying anyway. I’m annoyed similarly that it took people this long to GTFO Twitter.
Now, I should hold nuance for those that feel like they don’t have anywhere else to go[1] (Anti-Blackness is global, and permeates the Internet) and for some people, it’s literally their business. And not everyone can just up and delete their account, I guess, or have time/energy/knowhow to just say "fuck it" and roll their own. Or, like, whoever. Whatever.
We gotta do better, y’all.
I’ve come across so many others that articulated way better than I could about how I was feeling about this.
It’s the main idea of why the whole aspect of the "Indie Web," Web 2.0, The-Web-I-Grew-Up-On, has been my Roman Empire for the past year.
There’s alternatives, but unless it’s VC-backed no one really cares. It’s toxic to so many marginalized groups, but that’s where the community is. It harms the most vulnerable and the man behind the wheel is a fucking weasel, but that’s where all your followers are.
Who brings the community?
Who gets sacrificed the instant it’s no longer profitable to exploit their work?
Who suffers because people think Tolerance is still a good idea? (It’s not!)
It’s very likely that I’m salty because, well, I feel this boils down to yet again that trans people just aren’t important as comfort media and convenience. Cis folks wouldn’t stop clutching their Harry Potter books and that fucking game and that shitty chicken sandwich place to show the bare minimum of solidarity, so I can’t say I’m surprised.
And yet, this still stings.
It’s not about connections and empathy anymore. It’s all about the numbers, and I’m an unimportant one.
So, like, whatthefuckever. Stay there if you want.
It’s business as usual.
Source: Dumbing of Age
[1] What? You thought I was going to recommend Mastodon? …Well, maybe, but with huge honking caveats and a narrow list of the instances and apps that I recommend. And let’s face it, we absolutely dropped the ball when Twitter first started fucking up (more). So, probably not.
Fuck the system for not being broken, but working just as intended.
To the Queers, the Black and Brown People, The Poor, The Disabled, The Marginalized, and anyone else terrified and angry and numb and everything else:
I know you’re scared right now. I am, too. And I’m feeling despair right along with you.
But remember. We will have each other. Remember mutual aid, community, helping one another.
It is long past to be trying to change people’s minds. The numbers have made it abundantly clear we can’t olive branch ourselves out of this one.
Use your energy to lift up those that will lift you up.
Don’t feel bad if you can’t fight. We need warriors. Healers. Tanks.
But most importantly, we need you to survive.
“Don’t panic. Organize!”
Even better, join those that have been organized.
But it’s okay if all you can do is keep living.
They want you to die, or they don’t care.
Don’t let them take you.
Every so often there is invoked a Blood of Eden mission protocol – we call it Protocol One. It is used in times of either terrible joy or the worst possible outcomes. Protocol One means there are no more formal orders… Now I give you Protocol One . . . and Protocol One is ‘Live.’ Nona the Ninth
For those applicable, enjoy your lil victory lap and be sure to get your stretches in. The lot of us are going to give you hell.
I’m going to do what I can. I am going to live for those that didn’t make it. I will live and fight my sorrow. I hope to see you beside me.
So for funsies, I’m making a account and when I’m not looking up the unfamiliar terms, I’m wrapped up in the nuances of
And. So. On.
I love noodling over stuff like this. This is why I appreciate and enjoy microlabels. For the people that need them, they can convey exactly what they mean. And for ruminating introspective overthinkers such as myself, it is like a really good snack that I can’t put down.
I started out genderqueer… then neutrois… non-binary… now I’m feeling agender nowadays. Maybe gendervoid. Definitely staticgender–
I love making these.
–and oh my glob do not get me started on xenogenders we could be here all day! and neopronouns—
Some are happy with their Factory Settings, but I was always one of those folx who’ll mess with the settings menu and layout and colors until I get it just right. And change them again whenever.
It’s so cool how we can just customize our experience like this. If we want to.
That was the very first bumper sticker I ever put on my car… let’s say, almost two decades ago. Out of all the packers, rainbows, wigs, and glitter in that little LGBTQ shop, that was the item I ultimately came away with. It said everything I needed to say: I don’t have a problem with the whole god concept… I have a problem with the people that do horrible things in the name of their god. You don’t need to go far into the recent news cycles– and take note of the context of where I bought said bumper sticker– to see exactly what I mean.
When I slapped that thing on, I was a bit naive (or a bit dim): I didn’t think about any confrontation I may have had to endure. In the Bible Belt. And twice I was walked up to and asked to explain what I meant by that bumper sticker. Fortunately, everyone involved remained civil (the other party didn’t escalate and I kept my composure). I was also fortunate that they seemed satisfied with my response and didn’t get belligerent or even violent– doubly so when it was white folks stepping up to me, a Black stranger.
What was my answer? I simply had to Not All Religious People out those conversations. I specified “only the bad ones, and I assume you’re not one of them since we’re having a rational discussion in a parking lot instead of giving me an asphalt sandwich.”
I did have one more incident, and I promise it’s a funny one: I was dropping someone off and we were stopped at a red light. A car comes up behind me, and in the rearview mirror I see the driver absolutely losing his shit. It was after I stopped panicking that I realized that he was laughing, clapping, and pointing to the back of my car before giving me a thumbs up: turns out, that bumper sticker made his day.
I thought of that guy in my commute to work today, and I hope he’s living his best life.
I also thought of that bumper sticker… and how I’d probably get assaulted over it nowadays. Sigh.
Last month, I participated in a self-defense and empowerment course hosted by the FORGE organization. Not only is it becoming increasingly unsafe for queer people (especially queer people of color, and especially trans people of color)… the shit I pull riling up dorks on Facebook is not a great idea offline. I needed to learn the different ways to de-escalate!
These are all the notes I’ve compiled (and cleaned up…) over our four-day course. But, these are only notes. FORGE’s webinars go into greater detail, and I implore you to check it out.