Maybe it’s the fact that I wrote every single day last month, or the fact that my default is I write a lot as if to make up for the lost time. At only 202 words a day, I’m still pretty much crushing it. But, yeah. I got prompts out the kazoo: 750 Words has a prompt thingy now, I have an inspirational one-a-day desktop calendar, I get newsletters for prompt topics in my email, not to mention all the lists of prompts I’ve already made, living in "Interesting Times,"… I’ve no shortage of what to write.
I also sat and read Ice Planet Barbarians.

A bonding moment with a complete stranger over something we both loved? The adventure of diving into something I’d Never Normally Pick Up? Any reason to pick up and read random spicy book things? Maaaybe. I am ready for the potential Hot Mess I may have on my hands.
But first, I had to find the thing. It wasn’t available on my eReader of choice, a Kobo device. At least, I couldn’t find an English version. And since I’ve sworn off anything Kindle-related (fuck their DRM!), I had to get creative. Yadda yadda yadda, and the book is open on my phone instead. I can tolerate a smaller form factor for a short book– it’s only 180 pages.
First Impression

Oh, this thing is, like, TikTok famous. From what I heard about BookTok, they do enjoy the spicy books over there, and we’re not talkin’ about food (or maybe we are, depending on the book…). In case you’re not picking up what I’m putting down: erotica. It’s erotica. There’s sex in it. It’s for adults that like that sort of thing.
And there are 21 books. One novella even dares reference Vanilla Ice to stay on theme. Because yes, of course, pregnancy and babies do eventually show up. Ice, Ice, Babies.
oh man is BookTok str8 as hell or–
Before We Crash Land
First off– this is absolutely not a review! Nothing on par with, say, Reads With Rachel. This is so far off of what I normally read that it’d be unfair for me to rate or critique it, you know? I can tell you that it was an alright read– if a bit by-the-numbers– and if you’re into This Sorta Thing you may enjoy it! Read actual reviews or whatever and decide from there!
I begin with that because… yo. The amount of eyerolling I did while reading this.
For transparency’s sake: while proofreading this entry I noted that I Might Protest Too Much, so don’t be surprised if I pick up a few books after this. I ain’t too proud to tell ya that.
There will also be frank discussion of all the pre-martial hanky panky going on in this book. I marked it NSFW accordingly, but there are no NSFW graphics.
Additional Content Warnings: sexual assault, pregnancy