Do you ever just, hate stuff?

You hate it.

And then you grew up.

probably FFX-2 (but most definitely Unlimited SaGa)

Because it didn’t need all the hate I gave it. I will still argue that playing X-2 right after X can give you mood whiplash, but that didn’t deserve me writing paragraphs about how much it sucked. i’d do anything to find the bullshit i wrote so i can tear it to shreds It did carry the same score as Xenosaga, at one point, so I eventually did give it another go.

It’s fun! But don’t play it without a guide. Ask me how I know.

Unlimited SaGa was gorgeous and it’s one of my favorite games now. Other than presentation, I can’t quite remember why I dogged on it so much. That was probably the only reason. And that’s a damn shame. Its soundtrack did end up being one of my absolute I’ll-take-it-with-me-on-a-deserted-island albums.

Mary Sues

This is one of those things where I look back on and criiiiinge. You could say it was all about the sanctity of writing all you want, but if you look at the demographic of people that wrote self-inserts with sparkly eyes constantly stealing the limelight, something becomes apparent.

It was thinly-veiled an excuse to shit on creative teenage girls. (In my defense, I was also a teenage girl. At least I wasn’t a man in my 20s or 30s hatin’ on them. That’s fucking weird.) It’s still used today, but much less prevalent– and, if you ask the Old Heads, completely incorrectly. Mary Sues had, more or less, this sort of (highly subjective) criteria:

  • an OC (Original Character) author-insert
  • impossibly perfect (in looks and/or ability, or both)
  • accompanined by purple prose (“bad writing”)
  • terrible characterization (“more bad writing”)
  • an OOC (out-of-character) magnet for the canon cast
  • love interest to a canon character(s)
  • hasn’t done anything to earn in-story praise, credibility, attention, love…

And nowadays there are a few nuanced takes, such as this one on the PPC Wiki (or, "that thing where you spork stuff I guess"; please, i don’t want to further go into this where are you taking me):

Mary Sue is shallow: she cares only about herself and achieving her own goals. She is uninteresting, because she has no real conflict. Neither is she well-crafted, but characterized almost exclusively by how she looks, or how much her past sucks, or how good she is with her skill of choice. Worst of all, she warps or shoves aside everything we love about the canon and its people in order to put herself forward. Mary Sue has no respect for the work into which she intrudes. “Mary Sue” at PPC Wiki

Now I’ve noticed it’s been thrown around as code for "this female character is too cool, and I’m jealous actually." Straight up misogyny (and when it applies, misogynoir). The most recent example of this particular type of "Canon Sue" is Rey from the Star Wars franchise. Which, as Lily Orchard pointed out, was ironic considering Rey’s characterization suffered and became a "Mary Sue" in order to appeal to the very same people complaining about her (source). Star Wars fans really hate themselves.

There was a website called "Mary Sue Dolls" where someone did those little pixelized representations of, well, people’s Mary Sue characters. I loved flipping through them and seeing how elaborate they could get. I haven’t been able to find an archive, but I faintly remember the last years of that domain. It was still up, but with an apology on the only page.

But yeah. Let fanfic writers have fun. Let girls have fun, ffs.

If you hate bad writing and characterization, just fucking say that.

If you still don’t know WTF I’m talking about, or just want to know more, Izzzyzzz‘s video is pretty succinct.

Kelly, of “Shoes” fame

In college I was like "ew what is this vapid garageband bullshit." Fortunately, that pretentious shit only lasted a couple of months, if not days. Especially when I noticed Kelly’s songs were helping my then-girlfriend get through a tough time. If people love and take strength from something, could it really be that bad? Honestly, if you can create art with any tools at your disposal, it’s still freakin’ art.

Also, I was sold once I heard "Txt Msg Brkup." That was a banger.

Final Fantasy VII Remake (and so on)

I’m a little ashamed to admit this: when an actual Remake for Final Fantasy VII became reality– not a hoax or tech demo!– I was annoyed. Maybe even… livid. I took the announcement as a personal affront and cynical cash grab. You name it, I said it. I wasn’t happy that they were messing with my baby.

…Yes, it’s actually their baby, but I didn’t have to be happy about it, damn it!

And yet, I followed it’s development up to launch from the corner of my eye. I was still intrigued and curious. The more I read, the more I softened up the the reality of the thing, and eventually I made my peace with it. I wished I could have been more charitable from the start, regardless of what it’d become. The original will still be there for me to enjoy, after all.

Also, it brought us this:

CHERITH!!! Mod by Crandifff.

How about some engagement?

So– what stuff did you hate, but ended up loving– or at the very least, tolerating? Leave a comment and I’ll eventually drag it out of the comment filters! :3

How It Started

How It’s Going


“I’m a man of my word…”

Well, I wrote the damn thing. Because people going #NoHomo and #NoCuteAllowed in fandom and dunking on fanfic writers compels me to be As Homo and Obnoxious As Possible. Besides, this was an excuse to write some cozy cutefic– Coffeeshop AUs is a not-guilty-at-all pleasure of mine. First installment is below, because you know there’s gonna be more of this silly shit.

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