Naturally, you put the truth down in your notebooks. What would be the point if you didn’t? And naturally those notebooks should not be read by anyone else, but if they are, then, Harriet, you are going to have to do two things, and you don’t like either one of them:
1. You have to apologize.
2. You have to lie.
Harriet the Spy, by Louise Fitzhugh
That part of the book always stuck with me. But what does that have to do with this blog?
I had a whole paragraph or five here, but I thought about this some more– and honestly, it’s just not applicable. I am showing you my literal figurative notebook, after all. I would not be doing that if I was interested in apologizing and lying.
In short, I just think it’s neat.
Legal Concerns
For Entertainment Purposes Only.
This blog is full of my own opinions and I do not endorse any organizations or products.
Unless otherwise stated (like the excerpts from Harriet the Spy on this very page), these works are mine. Don’t use ’em without my say-so, please.
While I stand by what I say, I am not giving professional advice! Should I offer a 10 Step Plans on Becoming Rich and Famous, you follow them at your own risk. Please seek out professional advice elsewhere. Preferably, from a professional.
And lastly, I reserve the right to fiddle with how I run this rodeo as I please. For any reason, even "boredom."
Other Concerns
If I fucked up, don’t hesitate to send a message or leave a comment. As for critique– send only if specifically asked.
If you know me, hello again. I hope you can understand me a little better. And let me know if you stick around. It’s only polite. 😉
If you see yourself familiar, be flattered (or wished you behaved better). You are now immortal as long as the Internet holds out.
Further Reading
READ ME: A Blogger’s Disclaimer. This site has been around since 2003, and I find it to be pretty solid to this day. It has been linked or alluded to in some form since I’m been Interneting, and this little tradition of mine will continue.
Wait! What’s the Full Context?
Ole Golly’s letter continues a bit, like this:
…Otherwise, you are going to lose a friend. Little lies that make people feel better are not bad, like thanking someone for a meal they made even if you hated it, or telling a sick person they look better when they don’t, or someone with a hideous new hat that it’s lovely. Remember that writing is to put love in the world, not to use against your friends. But to yourself you must always tell the truth. Harriet the Spy, by Louise Fitzhugh
And so to you, my guest: welcome.